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What is the Hanwoo Grading System?

It is a system designed to manage animal product distribution fairly by evaluating beef quality and specifications using scientific and objective standards. Grading is mandatory for beef, and all slaughtered cattle are subject to grading. The beef grading system has helped raise the quality competitiveness of Korean beef to world class.

Determination of Meat Quality Grades

Meat quality is determined by 5 grades based on the evaluation criteria. Each criterion is evaluated separately, and the lowest grade among the criteria becomes the final grade.

Grading area : on the left half of the carcass after the cow has been slaughtered an incision made between the last vertebrae of the back(thoracic vertebrae) and the first lumbar vertebrae (lumbar vertebrae)

Intramuscular Fat Grading Scale

It determines the degree of fat distribution in the lungissimus dorsi muscle.

* The intramuscular fat content (9, 8, 7) is indicated only for the 1++ grade.

Meat Color

The color of the cross-section of the lungissimus dorsi muscle determines the meat color.

Fat Color

Fat color is determined based on intramuscular, intermuscular,
and back fat color in the cross-section of the longissimus dorsi muscle.


The water retention and elasticity of the cross-section
of the longissimus dorsi muscle determines texture


Maturity is determined by the degree of ossification
of the cartilage in the vertebral spines of the carcass.

The product sold to consumers is
labeled with the grade.