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Introduction to Hanwoo beef check-off fund

What is the check-off fund system?

The check-off fund system refers to a mechanism wherein individuals benefiting from a specific project recognize its impact
and independently bear the associated costs. Essentially, it's a system where Hanwoo beef farmers establish and manage funds
themselves to safeguard and advance the Hanwoo beef industry.

Purpose of Establishing Hanwoo beef check-off fund

Operating under the framework of the Act on the Establishment and Operation of Livestock Check-off Funds,
the purpose is to enhance the safety of Hanwoo beef, stimulate consumption,
foster the growth of the Hanwoo beef industry, and advocate for the rights of both Hanwoo beef farmers and consumers.

Hanwoo beef check-off business

Promotion of consumption

  • Promotion of consumption

    Through activities such as TV advertisements, broadcast sponsorships, and offline events, we aim to promote the excellence of Hanwoo beef and stimulate consumption.

Improved distribution

  • Improved distribution

    By implementing programs such as the Hanwoo Beef Distribution Monitoring Team and facilitating support for Hanwoo beef exports,
    our goal is to bolster confidence in the distribution of Hanwoo beef
    and broaden the market reach.

Providing education and information

  • Providing education and information

    By providing education and consulting services to Hanwoo beef farmers, we aim to improve their competitiveness. Through PR campaigns and other activities, we strive to enhance consumer awareness and provide information on the excellence of Hanwoo beef.

Research and development

  • Research and development

    Engaging in activities such as reevaluating the value of Hanwoo beef and managing research projects, we aim to develop objective data on the excellence and safety of Hanwoo beef, laying the foundation for the advancement of the Hanwoo beef industry.

Stable supply

  • Stable supply

    By implementing initiatives such as supporting distributor sales, assisting in beef cattle rearing, and supporting raw beef prices,
    we aim to promote stability in Hanwoo beef supply
    and generate new demand for Hanwoo beef products.