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Description of each part of Korean beef
한우 부위별
한우 부위별
  • 사태
  • 양지
  • 사태
  • 설도
  • 갈비
  • 앞다리
  • 우둔
  • 안심
  • 채끝
  • 등심
  • 목심
  • Shank사태

    These are small muscles surrounding the forearm bone (forearm bone) and part of the humerus bone (humerus) of the front leg, and the shin bone (lower thigh) of the hind leg. They are separated from the lower part of the front leg and rump and shaped by removing ligaments and fat. This includes lumps, arrows, and upper arms.

  • Brisket양지

    It is separated from the tensor fascia lata muscle of the hind leg along the thin membrane of the trunk cutaneous muscle and the rectus abdominis muscle from the fat mass of the thigh at the stifle (hind knee) area of the lower leg of the hind leg, and located on the outside of the abdomen. The oblique muscle (external oblique muscle) and transversus abdominis muscle (transverse abdominis muscle) are separated from the posterior quadrant and the skirt area is separated.

    In the entire quadrant, cut the deep pectoral muscle (cardiopectoral muscle) and shallow pectoral muscle (sacral pectoralis muscle) along the costal cartilage (costal cartilage), xiphoid cartilage (xiphoid cartilage), and breastbone (sternum) to separate them from the rib area, and separate the outer neck. It is produced by cutting along the vein (jugular vein) to include the clavicle muscle (clavicle muscle) and sternomastoid muscle, separating it from the neck area, removing fat lumps, and shaping it. It is connected to the brisket, brisket, up-jinsal, up-jin-an-sal and strip tip area. Includes skirt brisket, skirt meat, and apron meat from the separated abdomen.

  • Shank사태

    These are small muscles surrounding the forearm bone (forearm bone) and part of the humerus bone (humerus) of the front leg, and the shin bone (lower thigh) of the hind leg. They are separated from the lower part of the front leg and rump and shaped by removing ligaments and fat. This includes lumps, arrows, and upper arms.

  • Bottom round설도

    It is the part of the sacrum (coffin bone) and thigh bone (femur) of the hind leg excluding the rump region and includes the gluteus medius (gluteus medius), superficial gluteus muscle (sacral gluteus), biceps femoris (biceps femoris), and quadriceps femoris ( It is a part made up of the quadriceps femoris, etc., and is shaped by removing ligaments, subcutaneous fat, and intermuscular fat mass, and includes padding, tongue, tongue, and triangular meat.

  • Ribs갈비

    After separating the front legs, cut and separate the muscles of the loin and brisket area from the muscles around the ribs (ribs), then separate the ribs (ribs) from the backbone (thoracic vertebrae), include the ribs (ribs), and remove excess fat. It is removed and shaped and includes bone ribs, flower ribs, cham ribs, short ribs, and maguri. Due to the nature of the major division, Tosi-sal, Anchang-sal, and Jebichuri are also included and classified in the same region.

  • Clod앞다리

    It includes the biceps brachii muscle, which surrounds the upper arm bone (humerus bone), and the latissimus dorsi muscle, at the end of the shoulder. The shoulder moves toward the backbone (thoracic spine) along the fascia between the body and the humerus bone. Go up to the end of the cartilage area at the end of the bone (scapula) and cut straight with the backbone (thoracic vertebrae) at 1/3 of the thick part above the latissimus dorsi muscle, deboning to separate the sacral area and remove excess fat. It includes Jeonghyeonghae, kkuri meat, fan meat, front leg meat, rib deotsal, and fan cover meat.

  • Top round우둔

    In the hind leg, it is a part of the introvert muscle (adductor muscle), semimembranosus muscle (semimembranosus muscle), pubotibialis muscle (gracilis muscle), and semitendinosus muscle (semitendinosus muscle) that form the inside of the thigh bone (femur) around the shin bone (lower thigh). It is produced excluding the fat part and includes rump meat and red head meat.

  • Tenderloin안심

    After separating the renal fat inside the lumbar vertebrae, cut the tenderloin head parallel to the lower part of the lumbar vertebrae (pubic bone), and then cut the iliopsoas muscle (hip muscle) along the iliac bone (ilium) and lumbar vertebrae (lumbar vertebrae). , the psoas minor (psoas minor) and psoas major (psoas major) muscles are incised and fat lumps are removed and shaped.

  • Strip loin채끝

    Cut along the 13th rib between the last vertebra (thoracic vertebra) and the first lumbar vertebra (lumbar vertebra), then cut between the last lumbar vertebra (lumbar vertebra) and the hip bone (sacral vertebra), and then cut the top of the iliac vertebra (ilium). Cut to include the external oblique muscle (external oblique muscle), cut parallel to the abdominal incision line at the end of the 13th rib (rib), and parallel to the midline of the two-part division within 5 cm of the outer tip of the longus dorsalis muscle (longissi longus abdominis). The skirt part is cut and separated, and excess fat is removed and shaped.

  • Loin등심

    Cut a straight line between the last thoracic vertebra (thoracic vertebra) and the first lumbar vertebra (lumbar vertebra) of the carcass, and make an incision parallel to the midline of the two-part division within 5 cm of the outer tip of the longus dorsalis muscle (longissi longus abdominis) to separate it from the rib area. Afterwards, the backbone (thoracic vertebrae) and cervical vertebrae (cervical vertebrae) are deboned and the two parts are cut perpendicular to the midline between the 7th cervical vertebra and the 1st thoracic vertebra. The latissimus dorsi muscle on the outside of the shoulder blade (scapula) is included and excluded from the front leg area, excess fat lumps are removed and shaped, and upper sirloin meat, cauliflower sirloin meat, lower sirloin meat, and sirloin meat are included.

  • Chuck roll목심

    The muscles of the 1st to 7th cervical vertebrae (cervical vertebrae) are cut between the 7th cervical vertebra (cervical vertebrae) and the 1st thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae), excluding the forelimbs and limbs, and then separated from the sirloin and then shaped. Based on the anti-ligament (rice cake core), the outer rhomboid muscle (yoke flesh) is also separated and classified into neck core.


  • Major division name
  • Sub division name
  • Korean name
  • Explanation
  • Tenderloin

  • Tenderloin
  • 안심살
  • Shaped by removing connective tissue and surface fat from the lumbar vertebrae
  • Middle loin (6th~9th)
  • 꽃등심살
  • In the large divided sirloin area, cut between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) and the 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) perpendicular to the midline of the two-part division to separate the 6th thoracic vertebrae from the 9th vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae). The parts up to and including
  • Lower loin (10th~13th)
  • 아래등심살
  • In the large segmented loin, the area between the 9th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) and the 10th vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) is cut perpendicular to the midline of the two-part division and the area from the 10th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) to the 13th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) is shaped.
  • Chuck flap
  • 살치살
  • The serratus abdominis muscle, which is attached to the side from which the forelimb part of the upper back is separated, is separated and shaped along the fascia from the longus dorsi muscle (longissimus dorsi) in the upper back.
  • Lower loin (6th~13th)
  • 아래등심살
    (꽃등심 포함)
  • The section between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) in the large segmented loin is cut perpendicular to the midline of the two-part division and the area up to the 13th thoracic vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae) is shaped.
  • Strip loin

  • Strip loin
  • 채끝살
  • It is composed of the longissimus lumborum muscle, the iliac muscle (iliopcostal muscle), and the multifidus muscle, and is separated from the sirloin and shaped in the same manner as the large split strip.
  • Chuck roll

  • Chuck roll
  • 목심살
  • Head and longissimus atlantois, semispinalis (semispinatus), planus (platy), rhomboid (rhomboid), sphincterus (spinalis), longus capitis, and brachialis (brachialis). and muscles of the 1st to 7th cervical vertebrae (cervical vertebrae), which are composed of the long neck muscle (the long neck muscle), and are separated and shaped in the same manner as the segmentation standard for the major split cervical region.
  • Oyster blade
  • 부채살
  • The infraspinatus muscle (infraspinatus muscle) located at the bottom of the scapular spinous process on the outside of the shoulder blade (scapula) is separated and shaped along the front leg meat, rib meat area, and fascia.
  • Bolar blade
  • 앞다리살
  • The muscles surrounding the inner part of the shoulder blade (scapula) and the humerus bone (humerus) are separated and shaped from the front leg area excluding the kuri meat, fan meat, fan cover meat, and rib oversal.
  • Rib blade
  • 갈비덧살
  • When splitting the forelimbs, the latissimus dorsi muscle, which is included and separated from the forelimbs, is separated from the forelimbs and then shaped.
  • Upper oyster blade
  • 부채덮개살
  • The subscapularis muscle (subscapularis muscle) located inside the shoulder blade (scapula) is separated and shaped from the major segment of the front leg.
  • Eye of round
  • 홍두깨살
  • It is a semitendinosus muscle (semitendinosus), a single muscle in the shape of a red head on the inside of the hind leg, and is shaped after being separated from the rump along the fascia of the inner part of the rump.
  • Outside round
  • 설깃살
  • It is the part that forms the outer thigh of the hind leg and is made up of the biceps femoris muscle. It is shaped after separating the padding, deltoid, and crossbones from the femur.
  • Outside round head
  • 설깃머리살
  • The upper part (triangular shape) of the biceps femoris muscle is separated and shaped from the tongue base based on the ischial surface of the zygomatic bone.
  • Knuckle
  • 도가니살
  • It is a muscle part that starts from the kneecap (patella) of the hind leg and surrounds the thigh bone (femur) and is made up of the quadriceps femoris muscle. After separating and refining
  • Tri-tip
  • 삼각살
  • It is made up of the tensor fascia lata muscle (tensor fascia latae) on the outer buttock of the hind leg, and is separated from the brace and shaped.
  • Brisket point end-deckle off
  • 차돌박이
  • It is a muscle area containing white and hard fat from the lower part of the 1st rib (rib) to the 7th rib (rib), separated from the brisket and shaped into a width of about 15cm.
  • Short plate
  • 업진살
  • The abdominal muscles that cover the cartilage area from the 7th rib (rib) to the lower part of the 13th rib (ribs) are separated from the ribs and shaped, and include upjin ansal.
  • Inside skirt
  • 업진안살
  • The 7th to 13th ribs (ribs) are located inside the abdominal cavity and are made up of only the transversus abdominis muscle. They are thin, long, and have a thin plate shape, and are separated and shaped from the upper part of the ribs.
  • Thin flank
  • 치마양지
  • The abdominal muscles from the first lumbar vertebra (lumbar vertebra) to the cut surface of the hind leg zygomaticus are mainly comprised of the internal oblique muscle (internal oblique muscle), rectus abdominis muscle (rectus abdominis muscle), external abdominal oblique muscle (external oblique muscle), and trunk cutaneous muscle (sinus abdominis muscle). , made by cutting horizontally with the midline into two pieces from the tip of the longus dorsalis muscle (longissimus abdominis) at the end of the strip, including skirt meat and apron meat.
  • Internal flank plate
  • 치마살
  • It is shaped by separating only the abdominal oblique muscle (internal oblique muscle) from the skirt area.
  • Flank steak
  • 앞치마살
  • It is formed by separating and shaping the rectus abdominis muscle located in the direction of the abdominal incision line from the 3rd to 6th lumbar vertebrae, forming an oval plate shape and separated from the skirt.
  • Hind shank
  • 뒷사태
  • Several muscles surrounding the shin bone (lower leg) of the hind leg separated from the rump along the fascia.
  • Heel meat
  • 뭉치사태
  • It is a part of the gastrocnemius muscle (gastrocnemius muscle) that surrounds the knee joint (knee joint) at the lower end of the thigh bone (femur bone), and is separated from the posterior body and includes the flexor digitorum flexor muscle.
  • Center of heel meat
  • 아롱사태
  • It is a single muscle located inside the tendon and is a shallow hind toe flexor (flexor of the toes). It is separated and shaped after cutting from the lower end to the upper part along the muscle connected to the Achilles tendon.
  • Conical meat
  • 상박살
  • The brachial muscle surrounding the upper arm bone (humerus) of the front leg was separated and shaped from the front limb.
  • Short rib (6th-8th)
  • 꽃갈비
  • The area from the 6th to the 8th ribs is shaped by cutting between the 5th and 6th ribs and the 8th and 9th ribs in the major divided rib area.
  • Short rib (9th-13th)
  • 참갈비
  • The area from the 9th rib (rib) to the 13th rib (rib) is shaped by cutting between the 8th and 9th ribs (ribs) in the major division rib area.
  • Rib finger
  • 갈비살
  • Removing the bone from the rib area and shaping only the meat portion (including bone rib meat, flower rib meat, and true rib meat)
  • Brisket bone
  • 마구리
  • In the large divided rib area, the rib head with the sirloin removed and the breastbone (sternum) and costal cartilage (costal cartilage) separated from the brisket are separated by cutting into an oval shape along the part where the intercostal muscles are attached. thing
  • Hanging tender
  • 토시살
  • It is a muscle that is attached to the 9th thoracic vertebra (thoracic vertebra) and 1st lumbar vertebra (lumbar vertebra) and exposed to the abdominal cavity between the diaphragm (insole), and is separated from the insole and the backbone (thoracic vertebrae).
  • Outside skirt
  • 안창살
  • The diaphragm muscle is a thin, flat muscle that is exposed and distributed within the abdominal cavity across the ribs from the end of the breastbone (sternum) inside the ribs to the lumbar spine (lumbar spine). It is separated from the ribs and shaped.
  • Neck chain
  • 제비추리
  • t is shaped by cutting a straight line at the point where the neck and sirloin are separated by the band-shaped long neck muscle (longus colli) distributed along the junction of the 1st thoracic vertebra (thoracic vertebra) to the 6th thoracic vertebra (thoracic vertebra) and the ribs (ribs).